I am now stay in Beijing for about 1 year and i can't leave my main hobby of model kits.
it's getting crazy if you only can buy and can't do the project because your stuff is not in the same place..
really sucks...
but i solve this problems..

i can enjoy the hobby for a little and save some space in my luggage when i go home later...
see this:
you can pack the car like this...
it's really save space...
u don't need the sprue... if you want to do some scratch build, i'm sure u have many sprue back home just like mine...
i'm using this Ferrari FXX to give the example.
all you have to do is like this:
1. you only need some basic tool kits to do this: cutter, sprue cutter, masking tape, glue, and tack-it/whatever its called.

2. you can permanently glue all the parts that will be paint together with the same color, in my ferrari it is a main engine block i glue together

3. use the stick-it/tack-it/whatever it's called (the green poster glue in the tool kits pic.) and masking tape for non-permanent glue

4. don't cut and stick the small parts, leave it and take care of it later... beside that, do what it told in instruction sheet.
5. for clear parts, you have to cover it with plastics and separate each other, otherwise the clear parts will be scratch everywhere.

6. cut all the small parts left and put it together in one plastic bag.

7. if there some parts which has almost same looked, just cut it with the number, so you're not gonna be confused the next time you assembly it.

8. put the small-part's plastic bag inside the interior

9. wrap all of the car with plastics so if there is some parts is not strongly glued, it will not missed.

with this method you can put 5-6 cars in one box, it's much better than 6 box of kits...
so all you have to do next is go out and buy some more kits....
hope this method can help other people with the same problem with me...